Cities and climate change

The growth of cities in the last decades has been exponential. According to UN-HABITAT, more than 50% of the world's population lives in cities and it is estimated that by 2050, up to 75% of the world's population will live in cities.

Therefore, cities are a central element of the global economy and sustainable development goals can not be achieved if cities do not have a specific work agenda.

This is why, under the Sustainable Development Objectives, cities have the specific objective 11.

However, cities are responsible for a large part of global greenhouse gas emissions and many of them are located in vulnerable areas Or even considered as highly vulnerable under climate change scenarios.

Therefore, Paradigmas considers that it is essential to work in an integral way in the planning and development of the cities for which we offer our assistance to cities interested in working on the issue of climate change or "smart cities".


Mauricio Zaballa Romero Expert Advisor on Climate Change
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